Garment and Clothing Alterations Repairs
GLOBE Laundry offer a professional, reliable Garment clothing Alterations Repairs, Dry cleaning and Ironing service in Belfast.
Why discard your most precious garments just because they don’t quite fit of perhaps are slightly damaged? We can do Alterations Repairs, Dry cleaning and Ironing service in Belfast.
Be kind to the environment and be kind to your pocket as well!
Here’s a wonderful suggestion for a Sunday afternoon (we call it ‘keep it, fix it, clean it, throw it’!) …..
1. Remove every piece of clothing you own from your drawers and wardrobes.
2. Try each garment on.
3. If it looks good but doesn’t fit, put it on the ‘fix it’ pile.Let us do your Alterations and Repairs
4. If it looks good and still fits, fold it up and put it away.
5. If it looks bad or just doesn’t suit you (be ruthless), put it in the ‘throw it pile’. Ready for the charity shop.
6. If it looks in need of a clean or freshen up, put it in the clean it pile’.
7. Bring it all down to the Globe. For your Alterations and Repairs